Who doesn’t love Kiev?  I think it is the best chicken in breadcrumbs there is.

Serves 2


100gr soft butter

3 tablespoon s finely chopped flat leaf parsley

2 garlic cloves crushed

1 teaspoon of salt

1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

2 large chicken breast skinned

150 gr plain flour

2 large beaten eggs

150gr breadcrumbs

Vegetable oil

Flakey sea salt


Mix together the butter, parsley, garlic, salt and cayenne pepper. Set aside, but do not refrigerate as the butter needs to be soft.

Take the chicken breast s and make a small hole in the fattest end, then push the knife into the middle of the breast, becareful not to cut through. Keep working the knife to form a opening to get the butter in.

With a small spoon fill each pocket with as much butter as you can..

Dust with flour, then dip them in the eggs. Finally roll them in the breadcrumbs. Place on a plate,, and refrigerate for at least 20 minutes.

Pre heat the oven to 200′ C.

Warm a little oil in a large non stick frying pan. Place the Keives in the pan and colour gently for 3 minutes on each side. Then sprinkle with sea salt and place on an baking tray and bake for 10-15 minutes until they are cooked through.

Serve with a crisp green salad.


Original Recipe Tom Kerridge

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