Choucroute garnie (dressed sauerkraut) is a famous Alsatian recipe for preparing sauerkraut with sausages and other salted meats, and Charcuterie It’s a combo we all know and love, but no version takes it to such exalted heights as Alsatian choucroute garnie.

We first had this in Strasbourg in the Alsace, It was delicious and as become a firm fauvorite of Sheila’s


Serves 4


2 tablespoons rendered duck fat, or pork fat
1 onion, finely chopped
905g Sauerkraut (You can make your own or buy a jar)
10 juniper berries
1 clove garlic, smashed
A bottle dry white wine, preferably Riesling
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon coriander
4 boiled potatoes
salt and pepper to taste

For choucroute garnie
4 frankfurters
4 boudin blanc
4 slices of smoked pork loin
4 slices of salted pork belly


Heat duck fat in a large pot. Add the onion, and cook for about 15 minutes. Add the sauerkraut, juniper berries, garlic, wine, spices and salt and pepper. Cover and bring to a simmer.

Add the pork belly and smoked pork loin, cover and cook for 90 minutes. In a separate pot, bring water to a simmer, add the frankfurters, boudin blanc, and potatoes. Heat for 5 minutes.

To serve: place sauerkraut in the center of a large serving platter. Arrange meats and boiled potatoes around the sauerkraut.

Serve with grain Dijon mustard.

Original Recipe BBC Good Food

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