1 Kg Wild Bore shoulder cut into 4 cm pieces
750ml Pinot Noir
2 carrots
1 onion chopped
1 onion studded with 8 cloves
4 Tablespoons sunflower oil
2 garlic cloves crushed
400 ml beef stock
1 Bouquet Garni
1 ½ teaspoons salt
½ teaspoon Rocks peppermix
2; tablespoons Beurre Manié

Handful flat leaf parsley
1 large garlic clove


Put the meat in a large bowl with half the wine, carrots, chopped onion, the whole studded onion. Cover and leave to marinate in the fridge for 24 hours.

The following day strain the meat into a bowl to safe the juices.

Heat 2 tablespoons of the oil in a large pan and fry the meat over a medium heat, turn the meat to ensure all sides are browned. Set it aside.

Brown the carrots, chopped onion and garlic.

Place the meat, vegetables studded onion, the marinade juices, the remaining red wine, the stock and bouquet Garni in a casserole dish. Season. Bring to the boil, then turn down to a simmer and cook for 2 hours, or until very tender.

Pour the contents of the pan into a colander set over a bowl to collect the strained juices. Discard the bouquet Garni and the studded onion. Pour the juices back in the pan the boil to reduce the sauce.

Whisk in as much beurre nanié as is necessary to thicken the sauce. Put the meat and vegetables back in the pan, and coat with glossy sauce. Sprinkle over the persillade.

Serve with pureed potatoes

Original recipe Secret France Rick Stein

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