This Greek Lamb dish is one of our Spring favourites.  It is so easy to do, you virtually, bung every thing into a La crueset  and leave, the lamb and the herbs and spices do the rest.

As Rick Stein says “the seasoning is robust,” “the long slow cooked lamb with plenty of lemon juice, salt, garlic and oregano are spot on”

Serve with a green salad and plenty of crusty bread. Delicious.

For other Easter Lamb options:





2 x 1kg shoulder of Lamb each cut into 3 large chunks
2kg waxy potatoes
1 head of garlic outside papery skin removed, and cut in half through.
1 tablespoon of dried oregano
3-6 bay leaves
2 tablespoons fresh oregano
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Juice of 2 lemons
salt and pepper


Combine the meat, potatoes and garlic in a large dish. Sprinkle with dried and fresh herbs, olive oil, lemon juice, 2 teaspoons of salt, plenty of black pepper, and 100ml water. Mix well and place the meat in with the potatoes. Drizzle with oil.

Cover with foil and a well fitting lid and bake for 3 hours, check after maybe 2 it might need more water.

So simple, all we have to do now, is open the wine.

Original recipe Rick Stein Mediterranean Escapes





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