A vegetarian menu, that’s creamy and comforting, with layers of fresh and gently spiced warm flavours. Very much a Malaysian Style curry.

Ingredients Serves 4

For the tomato curry

1 tablespoon cumin seeds
1 tablespoon coriander seeds
10 cardamom pods
Half tablespoon fennel seeds
Half tablespoon black mustard seeds
6 cloves
2 star anise
2 tablespoons sunflower oil
Half teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon sea salt
400ml coconut milk
2 teaspoons tamarind paste
curry leaves
12 medium tomatoes
fresh green peppercorns
1 – 2 teaspoons sugar
coriander 6-7 healthy sprigs, leaves chopped

One portion of Cucumber Raita 


Lightly toast the first 7 whole spices in a frying pan, until aromatic.

Heat the oil in a wide, shallow pan and add the whole toasted spices. Fry for a couple of minutes over a moderate heat, then add the turmeric and salt. Pour in the coconut milk and stir in the tamarind and curry leaves. Bring up to a simmer and allow to cook quietly for about 15 minutes.

Using a stick blender, blitz the mixture for about 30 seconds, just to break up the spices. Remove from the heat and leave to infuse.

Skin and core the tomatoes.

Pass the coconut sauce through a fine sieve and return it to the pan. Put the tomatoes into the sauce and sprinkle in the peppercorns. Allow the tomatoes to simmer in the sauce until softened and the sauce has reduced and become a touch thicker; about 15-20 minutes.

Finally, taste the sauce to see if it needs a touch of sugar, or more salt, then stir in the chopped coriander leaves.

Serve with rice and cucumber raita.

Original recipe Simon Hopkins on writing in the Guardian.

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